Publications by Eve Levavi Feinstein
Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Freely Available Articles
“Menstruation in the Bible.” Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. June 23, 2021.
“Different Standards of Justice.” 929 English. March 14, 2019.
“Text and Context in Matters of Diet.” 929 English. March 4, 2019.
“The Rape of the Unbetrothed Virgin in Torah and Assyrian Law: A Comparative Analysis.”
“The Animal Laws before Kashrut: A System of Purity.”
“Sex During Menstruation: From Impurity to Prohibition.”
“Purity of Priests: Contamination through Marriage.”
“Relegating Redemption of the Firstborn to a One-Time Event in the Wilderness” (with Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber).
“Remarrying Your Ex-Wife.”
“Jesus for Jews.” Jewish Ideas Daily. June 15, 2011.
“ ‘The Sickening Question’: God, Cancer, and Us.” Jewish Ideas Daily. April 4, 2011.
“Seeking Solomon.” Jewish Ideas Daily. March 29, 2011.
Review of Susanne Scholz, Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible. Review of Biblical Literature (2011).
Articles Available by Subscription or through JSTOR
“Purity Law.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Ethics.
Review of Nicole J. Ruane, Sacrifice and Gender in Biblical Law. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 77, no. 1 (2015): 153–54.
Review of Gary D. Martin, Multiple Originals: New Approaches to Textual Criticism. Journal of the American Oriental Society 133:1 (2013): 168–69.
“The ‘Bitter Waters’ of Numbers 5:11-31.” Vetus Testamentum 62 (2012): 300–306.
Review of Curtiss Paul DeYoung et al., The Peoples’ Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2012): 419-20.
Essays in Edited Books
“Judaism.” In The Religions Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained. London: DK, 2013.
“Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: A New Perspective.” In Bodies, Embodiment, and Theology of the Hebrew Bible. Ed. S. Tamar Kamionkowski and Wonil Kim. LHB/OT 465. New York: T&T Clark, 2010.
Forthcoming Publications
“Praise of Perfection: Wisdom, Passion, and Gender in the Song of Songs 6:4–10 and Proverbs 31:10–31.” Festschrift in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett.
Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Freely Available Articles
“Menstruation in the Bible.” Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. June 23, 2021.
“Different Standards of Justice.” 929 English. March 14, 2019.
“Text and Context in Matters of Diet.” 929 English. March 4, 2019.
“The Rape of the Unbetrothed Virgin in Torah and Assyrian Law: A Comparative Analysis.”
“The Animal Laws before Kashrut: A System of Purity.”
“Sex During Menstruation: From Impurity to Prohibition.”
“Purity of Priests: Contamination through Marriage.”
“Relegating Redemption of the Firstborn to a One-Time Event in the Wilderness” (with Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber).
“Remarrying Your Ex-Wife.”
“Jesus for Jews.” Jewish Ideas Daily. June 15, 2011.
“ ‘The Sickening Question’: God, Cancer, and Us.” Jewish Ideas Daily. April 4, 2011.
“Seeking Solomon.” Jewish Ideas Daily. March 29, 2011.
Review of Susanne Scholz, Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible. Review of Biblical Literature (2011).
Articles Available by Subscription or through JSTOR
“Purity Law.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Ethics.
Review of Nicole J. Ruane, Sacrifice and Gender in Biblical Law. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 77, no. 1 (2015): 153–54.
Review of Gary D. Martin, Multiple Originals: New Approaches to Textual Criticism. Journal of the American Oriental Society 133:1 (2013): 168–69.
“The ‘Bitter Waters’ of Numbers 5:11-31.” Vetus Testamentum 62 (2012): 300–306.
Review of Curtiss Paul DeYoung et al., The Peoples’ Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2012): 419-20.
Essays in Edited Books
“Judaism.” In The Religions Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained. London: DK, 2013.
“Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible: A New Perspective.” In Bodies, Embodiment, and Theology of the Hebrew Bible. Ed. S. Tamar Kamionkowski and Wonil Kim. LHB/OT 465. New York: T&T Clark, 2010.
Forthcoming Publications
“Praise of Perfection: Wisdom, Passion, and Gender in the Song of Songs 6:4–10 and Proverbs 31:10–31.” Festschrift in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett.